Consultant & Trainers
The educational credentials and business experience of Empowerment Resource Technologies consultants, trainers and associates is vast and wide-ranging. They boast of advanced degrees in business, technology, the arts, and education. Their business experience ranges from being senior executives, to owning and managing high-growth, entrepreneurial firms.
Regardless of their prior experience, each of our consultants and associates participates in the company’s rigorous internal training program, which includes one to two years of training and practice in the methodology of Empowerment Resource Technologies’ work.
Training Methodology
EMPOWERment™ system is methodology that IMPACTS. Our series focus on the thinking that impacts people’s actions. We are driven by intense and excited curiosity; the desire to know – so we try; we get results; we employ feedback.
Our approach aligns leaders, teams, and entire organizations to operate free from the constraints of the past, allowing them to be far more flexible, collaborative, and innovative.
EMPOWERment System is based on the most successful change and conditioning technologies that create positive learning impact focusing on the limbic system that learns best through motivation. We employe Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) and Neuro-Associative Conditioning (NAC)For over Seven years, we have worked with local and international organisations to produce immediate results in three areas – creating and implementing strategy, transforming people, and producing breakthrough results.